Charlie Cornish
Non-Executive Chair
The membership of each of the principal Board Committees is as follows:
Remuneration Committee
This Committee consists entirely of independent Non-Executive Directors and determines and makes recommendations on the Group’s remuneration policy and framework to recruit, retain and reward Executive Directors and senior executives.
The information in the document below is provided in accordance with section 430(2B) of the Companies Act 2006.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee consists entirely of independent Non-Executive Directors. All members of the Audit Committee have recent and relevant financial experience. Appointments to the Committee are made by the Board.
Nominations Committee
The Committee reviews the Board structure, size, composition, balance of skills, knowledge and experience of the Board and makes recommendations to the Board with regard to any changes that are deemed desirable. The Committee also reviews succession planning to ensure that processes and plans are in place with respect to both Board and senior appointments.