This event was specifically tailored for senior leaders and operations personnel from within PPP and the supply companies actively involved, directly and indirectly in Sellafield's PPP projects. This event provided a platform to spotlight vital supply chain contributions - including our own - to the ongoing developments of the UK's largest and most complex nuclear site.
In attendance, we gained useful insights into the major nuclear infrastructure projects underway to facilitate the safe storage of legacy waste and the ultimate decommissioning of the site. One such example of our own, and PPP’s ongoing commitment to excellence in the nuclear sector, is our involvement in the construction of the SRP facility being built at Sellafield. This facility is designed to efficiently repackage and, when necessary, re-treat all special nuclear waste packages.
We remain dedicated to challenging the boundaries of innovation, and we're committed to maintaining a standard of excellence within the nuclear infrastructure sector. This ongoing partnership with Sellafield and PPP highlights our role in shaping the future of safe, robust nuclear infrastructure in the UK.
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