Severfield Reaches New BES 6001 Accreditation Milestone
Having been accredited since 2011, Severfield once again celebrates receiving its BES 6001 certification in 2022. This year, however, we’ve reached a new milestone, as we are now one of only 30% of all 150 companies participating in the initiative to reach the coveted ‘very good’ in the steel products category.
The impact of this accolade should not be understated. BES 6001 itself is a widely recognisable benchmark for sustainability standards across the industry. In fact, the certification was developed by BRE Global as a Framework Standard for Responsible Sourcing, that is, as a means to monitor and ensure that products and materials used in the construction industry are sustainably sourced. Areas of assessment include “Organisational Management”, “Supply Chain Management”, and “Environmental and Social Issues”, whilst evaluation spans across four different levels: Pass (45%), Good (23.33%), Very Good (30%) or Excellent (1.67%).
In essence, BES 6001 is continually helping to instil a sense of accountability, thereby assisting organisations in managing, reducing, and mitigating negative impacts throughout their supply chains.
As BES 6001 is independently assessed, Severfield has clearly made its mark on a newly emerging sustainability ethos within the industry… and with our sights set on even more impressive targets – the coveted 1.67% of all companies – we’re constantly working dynamically, innovatively, and conscientiously to build a better future for all.
We’re thrilled to announce that Severfield has secured a contract with Ørsted, the world’s largest offshore wind developer, for the Hornsea 3 project – the world’s biggest offshore wind farm!