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Jul 15, 2021

Supporting World Youth Skills Day 2021

Did you know Severfield offers a range of opportunities aimed at young people? These include work placements, attending schools and career events.

Izzy Popiolek is just one of these work placement students joining us today celebrating World Youth Skills Day. See below for what Izzy has to say about her time at Severfield…

‘So far, my work experience on site has been useful for me as I have seen how design plans are carried out and the different management and engineering processes that happen on site.

In general, I think that work experience and placements are beneficial for young people as they allow them to discover which aspect of industry interests them the most and helps them to determine what they want to do in the future. It also allows students to put theory into practice. For example, in my first year I learnt all about trusses and now on site I can see trusses being built, understand the difficulties in building them and understand when and why they are used. It also provides experience of a workplace and makes a nice change in a long degree.

Furthermore, some of the things I’m learning will hopefully be applied in the future in my degree or my career.’

About WYSD

It's a day that is observed annually to focus on the strategic importance of equipping young people with the skills they need for employment

This year's theme is 'Reimagining Youth Skills Post-Pandemic'.

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